Reveal® 3-D

Reveal® From Neogen® Makes Testing Simple

Reveal® is a qualitative lateral flow assay based on a competitive immunoassay format intended for the visual screening presence of allergens against set thresholds. Reveal requires only a minimal amount of training and equipment. Neogen®’s comprehensive line of allergen tests is one of the world-leading resources when testing for unwanted cross-contamination of ingredients.

Reveal 3-D for Gluten — AOAC Approved

The Reveal 3-D for Gluten assay maintains the industry-leading five-minute test time and detects low levels of gluten residue in finished products, CIP rinses, and environment swabs. This test has received the Performance Tested Method Certification from the AOAC Research Institute, independently validating that it meets the standard for gluten residue testing in environmental samples. This includes acceptance under the gluten-free certification organization (GFCO) list of approved immunoassays for gluten testing.

Additional Benefits:

  • Food testing method with representative sampling to ensure accuracy
  • Simple procedure to enhance the user experience
  • Detects low levels of gluten in a wide variety of samples
  • Quick time-to-result (five minutes)
  • Simple and easy to use

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Why Test for Food Allergens?

Neogen has partnered with Food Allergy Research and Resource Program (FARRP) on the development of our comprehensive line of screening and quantitative food allergen tests since we developed the first commercially available food allergen rapid test (for peanuts) in 1998. Collaborating with FARRP has helped Neogen establish credibility within the various lines of allergen tests we offer by providing expert opinions and insight from organizational conducted research. We work with our partner FARRP to solve the industry’s most significant food safety challenges.



Allergen Handbook

In collaboration with the University of Nebraska’s Food Allergy Research and Resource Program (FARRP), Neogen's Food Allergen Handbook helps companies understand and develop food allergen controls.

For everything from basic information to high-level explanations of allergens and Neogen allergen test kits, check out our Neogen Allergen Handbook. Helpful tip: be sure to use crtl-F to quickly find the information you are looking for!

If you are interested in learning more about food allergy testing, visit our Reveal 3-D product pages for benefits, specifications, and more.

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