Why Should You Buy Bulls that are Genetically Tested?
May 27, 2023
Buying genetically tested bulls “allows you to have a greater accuracy in regards to the EPD that you are looking at and making selection decisions based upon.” Dr. Paige Pratt, Neogen® Territory Manager, speaks on the importance of genetically tested bulls and how it can greatly affect your operation.
Video Transcript
TITLE CARD: Frequently asked questions on the process of genetic testing presented by Neogen®.
SUPERIMPOSE: Neogen® logo
TITLE CARD: Why should you buy bulls that are genetically tested?
[Waist Up shot of Dr. Paige Pratt, Territory Manager]
SUPERIMPOSE: Dr. Paige Pratt, Territory Manager
Dr. Paige Pratt: So, as commercial cattlemen, when you go and select bulls it’s really important to know that they have genomically enhanced EPDs because it allows you to have a greater accuracy in regard to the EPD that you’re looking at and making selection decisions based upon.
Dr. Paige Pratt: So, the higher the accuracy is the difference of maybe even having one calf crop out of that bull before the bull’s even bred a cow.
Dr. Paige Pratt: It allows you to select with greater confidence and be assured that, for instance, when you buy a heifer bull, the animal isn’t going to have a big shift once all of those calves are born. Consequently, producing calves that are bigger at birth than you would like.
Dr. Paige Pratt: It allows you to select with greater assurance that the accuracy of the EPD is higher and even though they don’t have any calves on the ground, the accuracy represented is about one calf crop.
SUPERIMPOSE: Neogen® logo. neogen.com
Troy Rowan, UTIA Genomics Center for the Advancement of Agriculture, explains the benefits in knowing what you are getting when buying calves in this DNA Dialogue episode.
Troy Rowan, UTIA Genomics Center for the Advancement of Agriculture, explains value-added programs and how producers using genomics can now take advantage of these programs.
Troy Rowan, UTIA Genomics Center for the Advancement of Agriculture, explains how genomics increases overall profitability through more accurate selection decisions in this DNA Dialogue episode.
Troy Rowan, UTIA Genomics Center for the Advancement of Agriculture, discusses the importance of stayability and genetic selection of this trait to create productive females.
Troy Rowan, UTIA Genomics Center for the Advancement of Agriculture, discusses the importance of hybrid vigor and the benefits it can bring your herd in this DNA Dialogue episode.
Jamie T. Courter, Ph.D. Bovine Technical Services Manager / Genomics for Neogen, explains the best time to take your DNA testing samples in this DNA Dialogue episode.
Category: Beef, Dairy, Igenity® Profiles, FAQs