DNA Dialogue – Why Genomics

January 03, 2024

Jamie T. Courter, Ph.D. Bovine Technical Services Manager / Genomics for Neogen, answers the questions of “Why invest in Genomics” for the commercial cow-calf operation in this DNA Dialogue episode.


Video Transcript


Narrator: DNA Dialogue is brought to you by Igenity® Beef powered by Neogen.

TITLE CARD: DNA Dialogue — Igenity® Beef — powered by Neogen®

[The screen shows Dr. Jamie Courter speaking.]

SUPERIMPOSE: Jamie T. Courter, Ph.D., Bovine Technical Services Manager / Genomics for Neogen

Dr. Jamie Courter: When it comes to genomic technology and genomic testing for the commercial cow-calf operation, one of the biggest questions I get is: "Why invest in the technology?"

TITLE CARD: Why Invest in Genomics?

[The screen shows various scenes of laboratory testing and beef cattle on pasture.]

Dr. Courter: And I think, a lot of times, the benefit of genomic testing is really the ability to peel back the calf's hide and really better understand the genetic merit of the replacement heifers that you're selecting. Because, if we think about the biggest investment that a commercial cattleman makes, especially if he raises his own replacements, is to raise that heifer from birth to the age of 16–18 months at preg check time to realize that she didn't get pregnant.

[The screen shows Dr. Jamie Courter speaking.]

Dr. Courter: And so one of my favorite conversations to have is really, "Let's talk about genetic variability."

TITLE CARD: Genetic Variability

[The screen shows various scenes of laboratory testing and beef cattle on pasture.]

Dr. Courter:Because if we think about the monetary investment we make in a bull, right—you as a commercial cow-calf guy—you go to a bull sale and you do a lot of research. You phenotypically look at that bull. Make sure he matches what you like. Make sure his confirmation is sound and we hope that you look at the EPDs that come in the bull sale catalog. But what some people don't understand, or even think about, is that in that full-sibling mating there's over one quintillion possible combinations of DNA in a single calf that that bull can make. And so that is what genomics brings to the table, we're able to look at the DNA that passed down from that bull into that heifer so that the commercial cattlemen can select the females that are inheriting the genetics that he paid for.


TITLE CARD: DNA Dialogue — Igenity® Beef — powered by Neogen®

[The screen shows an ATV driving through a ranch gate. A rancher opening a pipe gate to pass through. Two ranchers observe their herd.]


[The screen shows a rancher talking to the camera.]

SUPERIMPOSE: Hunter Horne, Director of Cattle Operations, Great Mark Western

Hunter: We know how expensive it is to keep and maintain heifers. What is also the fallout of those heifers if they're not the correct ones you're keeping and maintaining. We want to do as much as we can to get it right before we spend the money to impact our herd further down that road and keep successive females out of the wrong type of females.

Narrator: Igenity Beef. Contact your Neogen territory manager to test today.

SUPERIMPOSE: Neogen Logo neogen.com/igenity-beef


Category: Beef, Dairy, Igenity® Profiles, FAQs