DNA Dialogue – Using Genomics to Take Advantage of Value-Added Programs

February 15, 2024

Troy Rowan, UTIA Genomics Center for the Advancement of Agriculture, explains value-added programs and how producers using genomics can now take advantage of these programs.


Video Transcript


Narrator: DNA Dialogue is brought to you by Igenity Branded powered by Neogen.

TITLE CARD: DNA Dialogue — Igenity® Branded — powered by Neogen®

[The screen shows Troy Rowan speaking with cuts to images of beef cattle.]

SUPERIMPOSE: Troy Rowan, UTIA Genomics Center for the Advancement of Agriculture

Troy Rowan: So value-added programs, I think, are a really rapidly evolving part of the industry. So what value added programs do is they allow producers, who normally might just market their calves as a commodity, to capture some of the added value that they can contribute downstream in the supply chain. So, in the instance of a producer that maybe sells all of his calves at weaning, he can all of a sudden, with a value-added program, get compensated for utilizing superior genetics. These added value programs can also entail things like health protocols, management protocols, weaning protocols, but more recently, they've integrated genetics in. So, all of a sudden, producers are able to get compensated for making selection decisions that look further down the value chain, past where they typically would market their calves. So a producer who doesn't market his animals on a merit-based grid, right, he's not retaining ownership. He can still get paid for making a genetic selection decision that puts some selection emphasis on things like carcass weight, marbling fat, and all of those traits that ultimately are important down the value chain. So these value-added programs, at the end of the day, help us coordinate between these market segments and make genetic selection decisions that are consistent—all the way to that end product.


TITLE CARD: DNA Dialogue — Igenity® Branded — powered by Neogen®

TITLE CARD: Neogen logo. Igenity Branded.

[The screen shows beef cattle on pasture. A farmer is seen shouting to call the cattle in.]

Farmer: Come on!

[A cow bellows and begins walking forward.]

SUPERIMPOSE: Angus GS Powered by Neogen®

Narrator: Angus GS powered by Neogen is the highest industry standard in genomic testing for your whole herd. Contact the American Angus Association to test today.


Category: Beef, Dairy, Igenity® Profiles, FAQs