DNA Dialogue – Importance of Genomics
January 15, 2024
Jamie T. Courter, Ph.D. Bovine Technical Services Manager / Genomics for Neogen, breaks down the three main benefits of Genetic testing in this DNA Dialogue episode.
Video Transcript
Narrator: DNA Dialogue is brought to you by Igenity® Beef powered by Neogen.
TITLE CARD: DNA Dialogue — Igenity® Beef — powered by Neogen®
[The screen shows Dr. Jamie Courter speaking.]
SUPERIMPOSE: Jamie T. Courter, Ph.D.
Dr. Jamie Courter: To me there are three main benefits of genetic testing.
[The screen shows a graphic with a central circle and three smaller circles above and connected to the central circle. The central circle is filled with the text "GE-EPD". The other circles are filled with the words "Pedigree & Genomic Results", "Performance", and "Progeny Data".]
Dr. Courter: It can be everything as simple as calving ease, weaning weight, heifer pregnancy, stayability, coat color—there's a commercial test for that—horn polled would be something similar.
[The screen shows Dr. Jamie Courter speaking with cuts to images of laboratory work and cattle on pasture.]
Dr. Courter: These are all traits that matter at the end of the day and they hit the profitability of an operation. Secondly, genomic testing can be used for parentage. One of the biggest benefits of parentage verification is really understanding, when we turn bulls out into multi-sire pastures, which ones are doing their job and which ones aren't. Right? Because no one wants to turn a bull out for him to only have three or four calves a year. But, also, we can identify sires that are creating the calves that we like the best; that are born earlier, or, maybe we can identify calving issues out of a single sire. So with the parentage, if you run that on all of your calves then you would have a better understanding of which bulls are creating the calves that you like. Maybe the ones that are born sooner, or later, that weigh more, or even the ones that are underperforming. And, lastly, genetic testing can be used to rank replacement heifers for selection that match your breeding objectives and your operations goals or to even create steers that meet your market.
TITLE CARD: DNA Dialogue — Igenity® Beef — powered by Neogen®
[The screen shows an ATV driving through a ranch gate. A rancher opening a pipe gate to pass through. Two ranchers observe their herd.]
[The screen shows a rancher talking to the camera.]
SUPERIMPOSE: Hunter Horne, Director of Cattle Operations, Great Mark Western
Hunter: We know how expensive it is to keep and maintain heifers. What is also the fallout of those heifers if they're not the correct ones you're keeping and maintaining. We want to do as much as we can to get it right before we spend the money to impact our herd further down that road and keep successive females out of the wrong type of females.
Narrator: Igenity Beef. Contact your Neogen territory manager to test today.
SUPERIMPOSE: Neogen Logo neogen.com/igenity-beef
Troy Rowan, UTIA Genomics Center for the Advancement of Agriculture, explains the benefits in knowing what you are getting when buying calves in this DNA Dialogue episode.
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Troy Rowan, UTIA Genomics Center for the Advancement of Agriculture, discusses the importance of stayability and genetic selection of this trait to create productive females.
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Jamie T. Courter, Ph.D. Bovine Technical Services Manager / Genomics for Neogen, explains the best time to take your DNA testing samples in this DNA Dialogue episode.
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