DNA Dialogue – How Genomics Increases Overall Profitability

February 12, 2024

Troy Rowan, UTIA Genomics Center for the Advancement of Agriculture, explains how genomics increases overall profitability through more accurate selection decisions in this DNA Dialogue episode.


Video Transcript


Narrator: DNA Dialogue is brought to you by Igenity Beef powered by Neogen.

TITLE CARD: DNA Dialogue — Igenity® Beef — powered by Neogen®

[The screen shows Troy Rowan speaking with cuts to images of beef cattle.]

SUPERIMPOSE: Troy Rowan, UTIA Genomics Center for the Advancement of Agriculture

Troy Rowan: So, I think that genomics has been one of the biggest technological developments in beef cattle breeding probably in the last 50 years. And what genomic has allowed us to do is it's given us an increase in the confidence when we're making our selection decisions. So typically that comes from the bulls that we're going out and purchasing. If we have genomics, it makes us even more confident in the EPDs of an unproven young sire. So we're typically buying these bulls, they don't have a bunch of progeny to back up their EPDs, but genomics helps us be more confident. It reduces the risk associated with purchasing that bull and it makes our selection decisions closer to the optimum. We could say the same thing about commercial genomic tests. So they're a little bit different flavor of genomics. What they allow us to do in a commercial herd is become more confident about that replacement female that we're investing our time and money in, that she's going to have the genetics that we think that she should possess that'll ultimately make our our herd more profitable. So genomics, at the end of the day, they help us make selection decisions more accurately and that ultimately leads to increased profitability at the end of the day.


TITLE CARD: DNA Dialogue — Igenity® Beef — powered by Neogen®

TITLE CARD: Neogen logo. Igenity Beef.

[The screen shows beef cattle on pasture. A farmer is seen shouting to call the cattle in.]

Farmer: Come on!

[A cow bellows and begins walking forward.]

SUPERIMPOSE: Angus GS Powered by Neogen®

Narrator: Angus GS powered by Neogen is the highest industry standard in genomic testing for your whole herd. Contact the American Angus Association to test today.


Category: Beef, Dairy, Igenity® Profiles, FAQs