DNA Dialogue – Genomics for Parentage Verification

January 29, 2024

Will Fiske, Bovine Technical Services Scientist – Neogen Genomics, discusses the importance of understanding parentage in your herd to aid in selection and management decisions.


Video Transcript


Narrator: DNA Dialogue is brought to you by Igenity Beef powered by Neogen.

TITLE CARD: DNA Dialogue — Igenity® Beef — powered by Neogen®

[The screen shows Will Fiske speaking.]

SUPERIMPOSE: Will Fiske, Bovine Technical Services Scientist – Neogen Genomics

Will Fiske: For beef cattle producers their profitability depends on the cow—depends on how profitable that cow is in her productive life.

[The screen shows images of beef cattle on pasture before returning to Will Fiske speaking.]

Will Fiske: Genomic technology allows commercial cattle producers to select the animals in their herd that have the desirable traits of economic importance and are ultimately going to be the most profitable to their operation. Before genomic technology was made available to commercial beef producers, they weren't able to implement the same amount of precision selection that seed stock producers were.

[The screen shows images of laboratory testing before returning to Will Fiske speaking.]

Will Fiske: When genomic technology is used for parentage verification it allows a beef producer to measure and then manage what they traditionally could not. Without using genomic technology, beef producers aren't able to determine how many calves are out of "Bull A" versus how many calves are out of "Bull B" and then connect the dots between which of the calves out of the respective sire are more desirable and therefore more profitable.


TITLE CARD: DNA Dialogue — Igenity® Beef — powered by Neogen®

[The screen shows beef cattle in a feedlot as a farmer is seen walking the aisle checking the feed bunks.]

SUPERIMPOSE: Angus GS powered by Neogen

[The screen shows a farmer speaking to the camera with cuts to beef cattle on pasture.]

SUPERIMPOSE: Don Schieffelbein, Schiefelbein Farms

Don: If I would have known the power of it 10 years ago, we were in the Dark Ages! When you look back at it from where we are today: Progress is better, the way you can make improvements is better. We see a tool like genetic testing that gives us the ability to see what an animal would have normally been 10 or 15 years down the road today we're going to use that tool. We're going to take advantage of it! You can either choose to use genetic testing and do the leaps and bounds generation turnovers that make the progress possible or you can go on the slow track that leaves you probably generations behind in as few as three years. If you haven't made that leap, now is the time to make the leap because every day that goes by you're giving up generations to those that are using the technology.

Narrator: Angus GS powered by Neogen is the highest industry standard in genomic testing for your whole herd. Contact the American Angus Association or your Neogen territory manager to test today.

TITLE CARD: Angus GS powered by Neogen. Contact the American Angus Association or your Neogen territory manager to test today.


Category: Beef, Dairy, Igenity® Profiles, FAQs