AccuPoint® Advanced ATP Sampler Comparison

July 12, 2021

See how the AccuPoint Advanced® flat tip sampler provides better coverage for a more consistent sample.

Video Transcript

On a split screen with a purple-gloved hand using an AccuPoint Advanced flat tip sampler on the left and a purple-gloved hand using a standard cotton swab sampler on the right, the hands rub their testers over a square drawn on a white surface leaving behind a blue dye to indicate coverage.

Starting in the square's upper left-hand corner, the hands wipe up and down the entire length of the square. The width of the AccuPoint Advanced sampler is much wider than the standard sampler.

Continuing and starting in the square's upper left-hand corner again, the hands wipe right and left the entire height of the square.

Continuing and starting in the square's upper left-hand corner again, the hands wipe diagonally upward to the right and downward to the left over the entire square moving from the upper left to bottom right.

The square on the left colored with the AccuPoint Advanced sampler has a greater coverage than the right square colored with the standard sampler.

Category: Solution Spotlights, Consumer Goods, Dietary Supplements, Food & Beverage, Healthcare, Laboratory, Public Health, University & Research, Environmental Monitoring