ISO 16140-3:2021 Method Verification Roundtable: Perspectives From the Industry
February 15, 2023

About the Webinar
Laboratories accredited to ISO 17025 are required to perform verification of the validated methods implemented in their laboratory. Even in laboratories that are not accredited, it is considered a best practice to verify methods before implementing them for routine testing. In 2021, ISO Technical Committee (TC) 34/ Subcommittee (SC)/9 Working Group (WG) 3 published Part 3 of the ISO 16140 series which provides guidance on how to verify microbiological methods. Until the publication of ISO 16140-3:2021, there was no internationally recognized standard available to use for this purpose.
This webinar includes a panel made up of users of ISO 16140-3:2021 who discussed their experiences with the implementation of the standard within their working environments. Our panelists bring a wide range of perspectives and expertise to the conversation: a laboratory auditor experienced with ISO 17025, a third-party testing laboratory, and a global food company laboratory network. After the presentation, questions were answered live.
What was covered:
- A brief overview and resources for the ISO 16140-3:2021 standard
- How industry and third-party testing laboratories are using the standard and an auditors view of its implementation
- Discussion around interpretation and implementation of ISO 16140-3:2021
- Submitted questions from viewers to the panel
About the Speakers
DeAnn Benesh, Global Regulatory Affairs Manager, Neogen
- Global Regulatory Affairs Manager at Neogen, and as a member/expert in ISO TC34/SC9/WG3 Committee on Methods, she was a co-leader of the drafting of ISO 16140-3:2021
- Past president of AOAC INTERNATONAL and a current member of the MicroVal General Committee
- She has over 40 years of global experience in the food industry in method development, methods validation through global and regionally recognized organizations, and verification
DeAnn is a global regulatory affairs manager at Neogen and has over 40 years of global experience in the food industry in the areas of method development, methods validation through global and regionally recognized organizations, and verification. She is a member/expert in ISO TC34/SC9/WG3 Committee on Methods and co-leader of the drafting of ISO 16140-3:2021. DeAnn is a past president of AOAC INTERNATIONAL and a current member of the MicroVal General Committee.
Benjamin Diep, Nestlé Research
- Food Safety Microbiologist and Nestlé Research in Lausanne, Switzerland and as a member/expert in ISO TC34/SC9/WG3 Committee on Methods, he was a co-leader of the drafting of ISO 16140-3:2021
- Benjamin has more than 25 years of experience in the food industry focusing on food safety and quality
- Expertise includes method development and validation for food pathogens, hygiene indicators and probiotics enumeration, and identification
Benjamin has spent more than 25 years in food industry focusing on food safety and quality. His field of expertise comprises methods development and validation for food pathogens, hygiene indicators, and probiotics enumeration and identification. Within Nestlé, he contributes to the microbiology analytical strategy, manages research projects, and supports operation to improve laboratories competency. Externally, he is involved in several ISO WGs; he is the co-project leader of the amendment of ISO 16140-2 (methods validation, leading a project group on commercial sterility methods) and the co-project leader of the ISO 16140-3 (method verification). He is also a technical reviewer for MicroVal.
Christina Oscroft, Campden BRI Group
- Manager, Laboratory Quality System and Accreditation Services
- Christina has approximately 30 years of experience interpreting, auditing, advising, and assisting implementation of International Laboratory Quality Standards with laboratories
- Lead/technical assessor for UKAS and INAB and currently manages/assess for the Campden Laboratory Accreditation Scheme
Christina is a specialist in microbiology good laboratory practices (GLP) and laboratory quality systems, with approximately 30 years of experience interpreting, training, advising, developing, and implementing International Laboratory Quality Standards. Christina has in-depth interpretational knowledge of the content of ISO/IEC17025 and has assisted several laboratories, in the UK and overseas, to secure accreditation for their own operations. She has acted as lead/technical assessor for UKAS and INAB, and currently manages/assesses for the Campden Laboratory Accreditation Scheme. Christina interfaces with various UK stakeholders requiring accreditation and has contributed to recognized codes of practice in the areas of microbiology GLP and method evaluation.
Erin Crowley, Q Laboratories
- Chief Scientific Officer at Q Laboratories and member of ISO TC34/SC9/WG 3 Committee on Methods
- Erin and her R&D team serve as an independent third-party laboratory focusing on high quality method validation for microbiological rapid methods through organizations such as AOAC INTERNATIONAL, MicroVal, and AFNOR Certification
- Member of the MicroVal technical committee, past president of the AOAC International Board of Directors, and past chair of the AOAC Official Methods Board
Erin Crowley is the Chief Scientific Officer at Q Laboratories, Inc., in Cincinnati, Ohio. Erin and her R&D team have served as an independent third-party laboratory with a primary focus on providing high-quality method validation for microbiological rapid detection methods. These validations include independent laboratory evaluations for pathogen detection, qualitative methods, and confirmatory assays for AOAC Official Methods of AnalysisSM, AOAC Research Institute Performance Tested Methods SM Program, MicroVal, and AFNOR NF Certification Programs. Erin frequently presents technical symposia globally on method validation, method verification, harmonization, and ISO standards development often representing the perspective of the third-party laboratory. In addition to being an active member of the International Association of Food Protection (IAFP) and AOAC, Erin serves as past president of the AOAC INTERNATIONAL Board of Directors, past chair of the AOAC Official Methods Board, a member of the MicroVal technical committee (MVTC), ISO TC34/SC9/WG 3 Committee on Method Validation, and chair-elect of the JIFSAN Advisory Council. Erin earned a B.S. from the University of Cincinnati and an M.A. from Tufts University.
Category: Webinars, Laboratory, Laboratory Services, Microbiology