Tissue Sampling Unit DNA Collection

November 21, 2022

One simple step opens a whole world of insightful predictions. The cattle industry is constantly evolving and advancing, that is why Neogen® has worked closely with Allflex to provide you with an advanced, quicker, and easier way to collect DNA samples.

What is Tissue Sampling Unit (TSU) Sampling?

TSUs provide a simple, quick, and reliable way to take DNA samples. TSUs are producers’ top choice for sampling cattle on their farm and ranch. TSUs collect a tissue sample within a sealed vile making DNA testing in livestock easier than ever before.

Getting Started

  1. Order your TSU from Neogen.com or contact your territory manager to place an order.
  2. Read the instructions or watch a tutorial on YouTube.
  3. Collect the sample from the ear.
  4. Mail in your samples and submit your order form at Neogen.com.

Once you have received your tag applicator and TSUs, you are ready to take your samples. Collect your samples, complete your order form and notes of which sample belongs to which animal, send in your samples, and submit your order form. Once your samples are mailed, estimate one to ten business days before they arrive at the lab. The DNA results are then read by our data service team and reported to you in 21–28 days.

Be sure to allow yourself and our team enough time if you are needing results by a specified date.

If you are submitting DNA for purebred cattle, be sure to check with your breed association to determine the process for registration and submission specific to their DNA collection program.

Benefits of TSU Sampling

  • Quick, simple, and clean process.
  • Sample at any age, even day-old calves.
  • Receive more data from one sample. Tissue in the vial can be used for multiple tests and stored for future testing.
  • Match with animal ID through visual or EID tags using the same identifier.

Tips and Tricks of TSU use

  • Be sure that if the animal has been freshly tattooed that all ink is avoided in the sample.
  • If sampling a newborn calf, be sure to wipe the ear clean so that no DNA is transferred from the dam.
  • Be sure that there is tissue within the TSU before releasing the animal, and that the tissue is submerged in the buffer.
  • TSUs can be stored for up to one year at room temperature.
  • Be sure to note which sample belongs to which animal.


Download the Igenity Sample Collection Procedure PDF

Category: Agriculture, Genomics, Beef, Dairy, Igenity® Profiles, Sampling Equipment