Petri Dish vs. Petrifilm Plates: Transforming Food Safety

September 16, 2024

In the realm of food safety testing, the choice of methodology can significantly impact lab efficiency, accuracy, and overall workflow. Traditional agar petri dishes have long been a cornerstone in microbial testing, offering flexibility and detailed insights into microbial growth. However, the arrival of Neogen Petrifilm Plates presented a modern alternative, promising to streamline procedures and enhanced automation capabilities. In this blog, we are going to answer some questions about the comparison of the two methods.

Traditional Petri Dish Agar Testing vs. Petrifilm Plate Testing Overview

Traditional Culture Testing Methods — According to the National Center of Biotechnology Information, in 1887 the petri dish was invented revolutionizing the field of microbiology. The Petri dish is used in this traditional technique to grow and identify microorganisms. In the traditional spread plating method, a nutrient-rich gel called agar is poured into a petri dish and allowed to solidify. A sample containing microorganisms is then spread onto the surface of the agar. The dish is incubated under conditions that promote microbial growth, allowing colonies of microorganisms to form. The additional pour plate method mixes a diluted sample with the agar and poured into the petri dish. Once solidified, the plate is incubated to allow the microorganisms to grow and form colonies. In both methods, the colonies can then be counted and analyzed to determine the presence and concentration of specific microbes in the sample.

Petrifilm Plate Testing Method – For the past 40 years Petrifilm Plates have been a modern method used to detect and enumerate microorganisms in various samples. Petrifilm Plates come prepared with a dehydrated nutrient medium and a gelling agent embedded in a film. This method is known for its convenience, reduced prep time, and compact design, making an efficient alternative to traditional agar plate methods. To perform the test, a small sample is placed onto the plate, which is then covered with a top film and spread over the growth area of the plate. The plate is incubated to allow microbial growth and then colonies can be easily counted directly through the film surface.

In what scenarios might a lab choose one method over the other?

Traditional Agar Petri Dishes:

Custom Media Requirements — Labs that need to use specialized or custom-made media for the growth of specific microorganisms may prefer the traditional agar method, as it can allow for greater flexibility in media composition.

Research and Development — In research settings where detailed studies of microbial growth, colony morphology, and interactions are required, the traditional agar method might be preferred due to its ability to support a wide variety of media and experimental conditions.

Cost Considerations — In scenarios where budget constraints are significant, traditional agar plates might traditional agar plates might have lower material costs, especially if the laboratory already has the necessary equipment for media preparation and sterilization.

Regulatory or Protocol Requirements — Certain regulatory areas or standard protocols might specify the use of traditional agar plates for specific tests and analyses, making them necessary for compliance.

Petrifilm Plates:

Time Efficiency — Labs needing to save time and reduce preparation effort may opt for Petrifilm Plates, as they are ready-to-use and eliminate the need for media preparation and sterilization.

Limited Resources — In environments with limited storage and incubation space, Petrifilm Plates are helpful due to their compact design. They also can be more practical and efficient for labs with limited personnel or equipment.

Standardized Testing — For routine testing where standardization and consistency are critical, Petrifilm Plates provide reliable and reproducible results.

Reduced Contamination Risk — In settings where minimizing contamination is necessary, Petrifilm Plates offer a more controlled environment with fewer steps that could introduce contaminants.

Quick Results — For applications requiring rapid results, Petrifilm Plates often have shorter incubation times and simplified colony counting methods, which may speeding up the overall process.

The choice between traditional agar petri dishes and Petrifilm Plates depends on the specific needs and constraints of the lab, including factors such as customization, cost, time, space, standardization, and contamination risk.

Which testing method requires less technician hands on time?

In the food safety industry, technicians can have a significant impact on routine procedures. The manual preparation for the traditional agar testing method is labor-intensive and time-consuming due to the extensive preparation, handling, and interpretation steps, which could require more skilled personnel and careful monitoring throughout the process.

Easy-to-use and robust technologies have potential to alleviate the technician’s hands on time and expediate the training process when needed, like Petrifilm Plates. This method significantly reduces manual labor and preparation time, because they are ready-to-use, have a simplified workflow, straightforward steps, and and can utilize automation. This makes it easier and faster to execute, reducing the potential for technician error.

How do Petrifilm Plates improve efficiency compared to traditional agar methods?

Petrifilm Plates offer significant improvements in efficiency compared to traditional agar methods. Traditional methods require the preparation of agar media, sterilization, and pouring the media into petri dishes, which is time-consuming and demands strict sterile techniques to avoid contamination. In contrast, Petrifilm Plates are ready-to-use right out of the pack, eliminating the need for media preparation, sterilization, and pouring, which drastically reduces preparation time and effort. Additionally, traditional agar methods can suffer from variability in preparation, leading to inconsistencies in media thickness and quality, which can affect results. Petrifilm Plates, on the other hand, provide consistent quality and uniform thickness, leading to reliable and reproducible results.

The ease of use is another advantage, as traditional agar methods require careful handling to avoid contamination and often involve multiple steps for inoculation. Petrifilm Plates simplify the inoculation process with a drop-and-spread method, reducing the risk of contamination and the need for specialized techniques. This simplification extends to colony counting as well, where traditional agar plates require experienced personnel to differentiate colonies, while Petrifilm Plates often incorporate built-in grids, indicator dyes, and an automated plate reader that makes colony counting easier.

Overall, Neogen Petrifilm Plates enhance lab efficiency by streamlining preparation, minimizing contamination risks, saving space, simplifying procedures, and allowing for consistent, reliable results.

How does Petrifilm Plates utilize automation over traditional methods?

Customers can utilize the Petrifilm Plate Reader Advanced for automated enumeration of Petrifilm Plates, as well as for data reporting and management. The reader helps streamline the microbial testing process by automating colony counting, reducing time and labor, and providing reliable, consistent results. Some key features of the reader are:

  1. Enumeration Speed — The Petrifilm Plate Reader Advanced can enumerate up to 600 Petrifilm Plates per hour. Each plate is processed in six seconds, allowing for rapid results.
  2. Artificial Intelligence (AI) Networks — The reader captures a high-resolution image of the plate, then the AI feature analyzes the image to count colonies for consistent and reliable results.
  3. Data Management — Petrifilm Plate Manager Software allows for seamless data analysis, report generation and trend tracking, and for users to monitor processes and make informed decisions based on historical data.

Are Petrifilm Plates more sustainable compared to traditional petri dish methods?

Looking at the manual process of a traditional agar method, there is a significant impact on the environment. A study compared the environmental impacts of Petrifilm Plates with traditional agar methods and found that when comparing raw materials, manufacturing, packaging, use and disposal, Petrifilm Plates used 76% less energy and 79% less water, emitted 75% less greenhouse gas (GHG) and produced 66% less waste.*

Being environmentally responsible and delivering business results do not have to be at odds with each other. Petrifilm Plates give users a reliable, accurate alternative to traditional test methods, allowing them to make their testing operations more efficient and productive while reducing their environmental impact.

*“Reduction in Primary Energy Demand, Blue Water Consumption and Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Neogen® Petrifilm® Plates Compared to Traditional Microbiological Analysis Method,” Neogen, 2023.

Balancing Tradition and Innovation

In conclusion, the comparison between traditional agar petri dishes and Neogen Petrifilm Plates highlights the significant advancements and efficiencies that modern methodologies bring to food safety testing. Traditional agar methods, with their flexibility and detailed insights into microbial growth, remain a robust choice in certain testing scenarios for labs with resources and expertise to manage the more manually involved process. Ultimately, the choice between these methods depends on the specific needs and constraints of the lab.

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Category: Food Safety, Consumer Goods, Dietary Supplements, Food & Beverage, Pet Food, Microbiology, Pathogens, Environmental Monitoring