Are You Prepared to Pick Up and Move Tomorrow?
February 05, 2024
Video Transcript
TITLE CARD: Neogen Analytics
TITLE CARD: Amy Wilder, Digital Solutions Product Manager, Neogen
[A screen shows a split screen with videos of Amy Wilder and Dan Dwyer speaking.]
Dan Dwyer: Amy, what is the impact that digital food data has on audit preparation for food professionals?
Amy Wilder: Today, it might be grabbing a binder or a bunch of binders with paper records for what's been captured in the day-to-day process of a food safety environment. So it could be time-consuming to actually get to the data that you actually need. What can be much more efficient is having that in a digital version.
[The video shows a screen from Neogen Analytics Dashboard. The navigation tab for "Insights" is selected showing the "Insights" page. The "Environmental The bottom box shows a menu titled "Environmental". The page shows the "FSQA" tab is selected showing one column labeled "Filters" and another with graphs, tables, and data.]
Amy: Here, as an example, I've got my environment up and I'm in Insights. This is where my EMP data is being housed for my facility, maybe my entire organization. Rather than having to track down that piece of paper or the binder, as long as I have access to the internet and I have a web browser, I can log in and find my reporting section which we call Insights here in Neogen Analytics and I have my data readily available to me at all times.
[The cursor moves over to select "Audit" tab under "Environmental". The screen shows a large table with columns titled "Collection Date", "Result Date", Result ID", "Sample Analysis ID", "Sample Analysis Link", "Corrective Action ID", "Corrective Action Status", "Programs", "Site", "Floor Plan", and "Location". The cursor moves over the column with "Filters" and over the rows of data.]
Amy: In this example I know I'm doing an audit, so the easiest place to find that might be my Audit Dashboard and then really upon their request I can go through my filters that are already built in and drill into the specific information that they're looking for. The Audit Dashboard is really meant for an auditing situation while the other tabs are reports you can also utilize. There's lots of valuable information throughout. This one is nice because it it really pulls in every piece of information that you might need in one place. On our Audit Dashboard when we're requested to pull up data from a specific time period or non-conformances, we may be printing this off and handing it to the auditor. They're looking at this information and finding that: "Oh! Well, you had a non-conformance. What did you do about that?"
[The cursor moves over to select "link" in one of the data rows under the column "Corrective Action Link".]
Amy: There are some links as you can see here within the application. So as they say: "Okay, I've got this failure. What did to do about it?" Very quickly I can drill into this link here and it's going to take me to my correction or corrective action for me again. If I needed to share with them what happened on potential retesting or notes taken or pictures that were added, I have that information readily available with the click of a button to provide the rest of the details that they might be asking for.
TITLE CARD: Neogen Analytics
Narrator: For more information and support, please contact your Neogen representative today.
Certainly, this would be a tall task. As young adults starting out on our own, most of our belongings can fit in the back seat of a car. As the years go on, we accumulate more items — and the thought of moving this seemingly insurmountable collection of furniture, dishes, clothes, etc. becomes unpleasant at best. For many, the mere thought of moving generates a daunting list of activities that would need to happen just in preparation to move.
In a similar vein, what if you were to be audited tomorrow?
Over time, organizations collect an increasing amount of data — and, like preparing for a physical move, preparing that data for audits becomes increasingly challenging. Many audit participants attempt to manage information in a set of three-ring binders or perhaps spreadsheets of data; often, however, audit questions require digging back into those spreadsheets and reams of information to provide the most relevant info to the auditor.
Unlike physical moves, audits happen quite frequently. Sometimes you have plenty of notice, sometimes not so much. As a professional, you certainly want to provide answers to all auditor questions as completely and quickly as you can — not just to please them, but to be able to return to your vital day-to-day role within the organization sooner rather than later.
For many food safety professionals, audit preparation is a lot like preparing for a physical move. In fact, a recent survey found that 48% of respondents spend at least 2 hours per day preparing data for reporting. An alarming 2% of respondents noted that this is all that they do, spending 8 hours per day gathering and preparing data! This means that a valuable team member is focusing on data management rather than the critical work that food safety professionals should be doing to improve outcomes.
Collective Time Spent Preparing Data for Reporting Each Day
Almost half of respondents said they spend 2 or more hours EACH DAY collecting, cleaning, and analyzing data for regular reporting to senior leadership.
Neogen Analytics was created with the aim of digitizing and automating the collection and management of food safety testing and sanitation data and making that data actionable. This automation frees up the individual resource dedicated to data management, allowing them to focus on improving food safety programs, and increasing efficiency and output of the team.
Data cannot be actionable if it is locked away in a spreadsheet or three-ring binder. Neogen Analytics not only allows you to instantly recall your testing data at the click of a mouse, but also enables the data to come find you! Auto alerts, customizable thresholds, routine report delivery, and configurable testing methods allow users to immediately call up the relevant information for an auditor. Customer audits become positive touch points, reinforcing the valuable relationship your organization has developed with your customer. Being audit-ready via digital means will not only save you precious time in preparation, but it will also convey your dedication to actionable data and data-led decision making.
Ready to learn more? Schedule a demo with a Neogen Analytics specialist today and we will show you how you can leave the heavy lift of audit preparation behind!
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Category: Food Safety, Consumer Goods, Dietary Supplements, Food & Beverage, Pet Food, Allergens, Microbiology, Pathogens, Environmental Monitoring