How Does Genomic Testing Allow Dairy Producers to Select for More Profitable Animals?
April 24, 2023

We all wish to see and understand the unknown. Understanding the unknown allows for less variables, more confidence, and maximized profitability. Genomic testing provides producers with a lot of advantages, but one of the greatest advantages provided is the ability to measure the unknown.
Being able to measure what was once unknown can help you maximize profit through implementing better management practices. Neogen® Technical Service Scientist, Will Fiske, explains: “A producer’s improved ability to select better animals is due to the tools and information they’re now using are more reliable. Genomic selection is more reliable.” With this knowledge producers can make genetic progress within their herd quicker through strategic breeding, which maximizes profit.
Fiske defines how reliability is a correlation between the animal’s genetic prediction and their true genetic merit. He says, “compared to genetic predictions that are non-genomically enhanced, genomic predictions (i.e., Igenity® Select) identify genetically superior animals with greater reliability”. The following tables help producers visualize the true reliability that genomics adds to herd data.
Reliability % | Genomic Daughter Equivalence | |||
Trait | Genomic PTA Average | Non-Genomic PTA Average | Difference | |
Net Merit ($NM) | 73 | 25 | +48 | 44.0 |
Milk (lbs) | 79 | 28 | +51 | 41.7 |
Fat (lbs) | 79 | 28 | +51 | 41.5 |
Protein (lbs) | 79 | 29 | +51 | 41.8 |
Somatic Cell Score | 75 | 27 | +49 | 87.3 |
Productive Life (Months) | 74 | 24 | +50 | 126.4 |
Livability | 70 | 19 | +51 | 209.8 |
Daughter Pregnancy Rate (%) | 74 | 24 | +50 | 246.3 |
Cow Conception Rate | 74 | 24 | +50 | 615.9 |
Heifer Conception Rate | 71 | 24 | +47 | 853.4 |
Sire Calving Ease | 59 | 27 | +33 | 50.3 |
Daughter Calving Ease | 57 | 23 | +34 | 63.3 |
Igenity Select
Reveal your herd's genetic potential
Genomic PTA Average:
The average PTA reliability for genomically tested Holtein heifers.
Non-Genomic PTA Average:
The average PTA reliability for Holstein heifers that have not been genomically tested. The trait PTA has not been genomically enhanced.
The difference in percent reliability, genomic PTA minus non-genomic PTA.
Genomic Daughter Equivalence:
The number of daughters with records that the genomic information is worth.
**This data was generated after Council on Dairy Cattle Breeding (CDCB) released the official April 2022 evaluation. The data used 2,962,854 Holstein heifers to represent the average difference in Reliability (%) of Genomic PTAs vs. Traditional (Non-Genomic) PTAs.
Producers are always striving to minimize risk and maximize profit. Through genomic testing you will receive more reliable data on your herd to allow you to make more strategic decisions in order to reach this goal.
Category: Genomics, Dairy, Igenity® Profiles