Break Out of Food Safety Data Jail
June 28, 2023
Video Transcript
TITLE CARD: Neogen Analytics
TITLE CARD: Beyond the Data Silos with Neogen Analytics
TITLE CARD: Amy Wilder, Expert Services Manager, Neogen®
[A split screen shows the Neogen Analytics dashboard with Amy Wilder and Dan Dwyer in small windows. The Neogen Analytics dashboard shows a navigation as a left-hand column. The page viewed is titled "Status for: 1 - RTE Meat Facility". A header reads "Environmental Testing". Three rectangles align horizontally. The rectangles are labelled "Sample analysis", "Non-conforming Results", and "Corrective actions". Each label has a large number in front of it.]
Dan Dwyer: We have a number of people that are curious. Within Neogen Analytics, what really happens? What do you see when there's a presumed positive result?
Amy Wilder: Yeah, Dan, so that's a really great question.
[A mouse cursor highlights the rectangle labelled "Non-conforming Results" and then highlights the rectangle labelled "Corrective actions".]
As soon as I log in I'm brought to my dashboard and immediately, in this center bucket here, I notice I have some new results and then over to the right under corrective actions I see any open corrective actions that have been triggered. And so, if I, let's say, did some routine testing a couple days ago. I was sampling for Listeria and we did have a presumed positive comeback.
[The cursor moves over the rectangle labelled "Corrective Actions" and highlights a link labelled "Corrective Action ID".]
Log in I notice this corrective action open on my dashboard you know maybe yesterday I logged in and there was only six and now I see seven. I have the ability to click into this corrective action ID.
[The cursor moves to the left column navigation and clicks "Environmental Testing" and moves down to the menu item "Corrective Actions". On clicking "Corrective Actions" the page on screen is a list of results table. The table is titled "List of Open Corrective Actions".]
I can also utilize my toolbar on the left under environmental, and go to my corrective action section to look at that out of spec, that presumptive Listeria, in more detail and act on that corrective action.
[The cursor selects the first entry in the table. The link goes to a new page titled "Corrective Actions Details". The page has a table of results. A list titled "Activity List" has "Clean & Sanitize" and "Initiate Root Cause Analysis" under the "Activity" column. The other columns have listed "Pathogen Zone 2-4" under the "Protocol", "Amy Wilder" under "Assigned To", and "Pending" under "Status" for both activities. ]
Once you've set them up and an out of spec is generated in the software, the software knows exactly what corrective action protocol to generate. And because of that it knows what activities to list in this next section below activity list and the order that they should be completed to replicate what your protocol entails.
[The display returns to a split screen showing the Neogen Analytics dashboard with Amy Wilder and Dan Dwyer in small windows.]
Dan: Amy, given your experience in the food safety industry, how would you utilize Neogen Analytics in an audit situation?
Amy Wilder: Yeah, that's a good question.
[The cursor moves to the left column navigation and clicks "Insights". On clicking "Insights" the page on screen is a line graph with a year's worth of data points. Navigation tabs for "Environmental" and "FSQA" are selected by default. The graph is titled "Weekly Environmental Nonconformance". The y-axis is labelled "% Nonconformance" and the x-axis is labelled "Sample Week".]
I would spend my time likely starting from Insights and this is where all of the real-time reports are housed.
[The cursor highlights a navigation area with options for "Environmental", "Sanitation", and "Product Testing". The cursor highlights a sub-navigation area that appears when on the "Environmental" tab with options for "FSQA", "Drill Anywhere", "Pathogens", "Indicators", and "Audit".]
Once I select Insights, I'm under this Environmental tab here, this dashboard, and we have a variety of different dashboards below that pertain to EMP, environmental, that I could utilize. As you can see there's one specific for auditing and this is likely depending upon the question or questions from the auditor where I would likely start.
[The cursor selects "Audit" in the sub-navigation. The graph area now displays a table of results. The table is titled "All Environmental Results" and has headers "Collection Date", "Result Date", "Site", "Floor Plan", "Location", "Zone", "Test Point Name", Test Point Description", "Result", and "Confirmed Result". A line item of the table has the "Result" of "Presumed Positive" and that table cell is highlighted orange. The cursor selects some filter options on a left-hand column and clicks "Apply".]
And by use of the filters then you're able to very quickly narrow down more specifically what they're asking for. So I hit Apply and the software will then generate results based upon what the auditor is asking to see.
[The screen displays the tables under the "Corrective Action Details" page. The cursor highlights a table titled "Audit Log".]
And then we happen to have an audit trail capturing all of the activities in real time with a date and time stamp for every action that was completed to close out this corrective action. The very bottom note lets me know what protocol was used and then I can see every detail that the audit trail has also captured. And so this is what I would share with them to show them what we did to complete it and the details around that.
TITLE CARD: Neogen Analytics
If you find yourself looking in multiple places to retrieve and compile food safety data for reporting, audit-prep, and analysis, your data is likely “in jail.”
Where is your food safety data? We’re talking about your environmental diagnostics, product sample results, sanitation work order completions, corrective actions, root cause analysis records, lab result Certificates of Analysis, and the like.
- Are they collected and stored manually?
- Are they in multiple applications, spreadsheets, emails… even physical rooms where three-ring binders full of paper records are stored?
- Do you need to physically go to a location to retrieve information or search for an email attachment?
- Do you need to open multiple applications and download, combine, and manually arrange records to meet your needs?
If any of the above scenarios sound familiar, you are most definitely in food safety data jail.
How Did This Happen?
Management of each testing and sanitation program has traditionally been built as a distinct, independent process. Think about your organization: the process for scheduling and executing environmental swabs is likely a whole different process, managed with different information assets, than the execution of your master sanitation schedule — which, in turn, is likely different than the process for collecting product samples for micro and quality testing.
This results in the unintended creation of “data silos.” In other words, data silos are data sets, created from these distinct and independently managed processes, that are collected and stored in their unique respective places.
Data silos therefore are the equivalent of keeping your data in jail.
Like a prisoner, the data have no freedom of movement. They cannot be easily mingled and correlated. This limits your ability to see cause/effect relationships, which then makes it difficult to achieve the real promise of a digitally transformed and automated food safety program.
We end up in data jail, typically, due to the original mandate that drove food safety data collection in the first place — compliance.
How Do We Break Out of Food Safety Data Jail?
Breaking out of data silos starts with a new mindset. While compliance must be achieved, the mandate and priority should be placed on BOTH compliance AND prevention.
Adopting this new mindset yields a significant new opportunity to think differently about food safety data, how it is collected, stored, and used. For example, what if data were collected, stored, and used to impact compliance mandates and reduce the time-to-information to respond to anomalies before they impact operations?
Adopt a “Unified” Data Platform to Digitally Automate the Jailbreak
Instead of assigning people to manually enter diagnostic results from the lab into a spreadsheet, imagine if diagnostic results were collected automatically via a digital connection between the lab and your digital platform. Now, imagine if the automatic feed of diagnostic results could be analyzed by the digital platform and automatically trigger the launch of the appropriate corrective actions if a non-conforming result were detected. Even further beyond that, imagine if this type of automation could also alert you to each instance as opposed to you having to go find it in whatever data silo it used to be stored.
In other words, why shouldn’t the data find you (freedom of data) as opposed to you having to go find it (in data jail)?
Another example: Imagine if you could see a trend emerging before a costly action must be taken (maybe from troublesome ATP results, or maybe from a test location that continually yields positive hits). Collecting and making data accessible to analytics and data visualization methods can yield a more proactive result and head off issues before they cause production delays and shutdowns. Reducing the number of clean-in-place (CIP)/clean-out-of-place (COP) procedures, for instance, can deliver some significant cost and resource savings, if the data trends can be accessed, analyzed, and acted on in a timely fashion. If data that points to these trends is collected and stored in spreadsheets, paper binders, and email attachments that must be accessed individually, how can that data be leveraged to yield this result?
How to Justify the Investment in a Data Jailbreak
The financial implications of reducing CIP/COP-induced production delays or downtime by just 90 minutes per week can be dramatic once you add up the week-after-week impact. This is one of the most unaddressed costs that food manufacturers and processors face. It often goes undetected as teams focus on problem-solving in the moment and chalk up downtime as simply an accepted “cost of doing business.” (See our related white paper for more on calculating ROI from an investment in digital food safety management technology.)
In a digitally transformed scenario, management reports are created automatically as the lab and workflow data is communicated within the digital platform. As data changes, alerts are automatically sent to stakeholders, accelerating the response and launch of corrective actions and drastically reducing the risk of adverse events; the improved time-to-information yields a far greater opportunity to be proactive and preventative rather than reactive.
Progressive organizations who are “leaning in” to digital transformation ask themselves these organizational and cultural questions:
- What can our team do with the time we were spending working in spreadsheets and pivot tables?
- Is there a new tradeoff that would enable our organization to use the scientific training and backgrounds of the team more effectively?
- Could the time spent within legacy methods of manually collecting and formatting data be traded with analyzing the data and putting more emphasis on new innovations, corrective actions, investigative testing, root cause analysis, and, ultimately, the preventative/proactive result we all desire?
To see how Neogen Analytics can transform your data, schedule your personalized demo now.
Category: Food Safety, Consumer Goods, Dietary Supplements, Food & Beverage, Pet Food, Pharmaceutical & Biotech, Microbiology, Pathogens, Environmental Monitoring