Technical Services LabLive Training

On-Demand Training

Neogen recently adopted the use of ON24 as our certified training platform. The ON24 system creates a training portal for each registrant, allowing access to many downloadable resources, an electronic knowledge assessment, and the download and printing of individual certifications. As an added bonus, you will have access to the recorded training, on-demand, along with a plethora of resources to reference throughout the year.

This is a certified training and each individual wishing for certification must register and complete a knowledge assessment.

We look forward to training with you, on-demand, at a time that works best for you, our valued customer!

The on-demand training is accessible by clicking the following links to register with your name and email address.

AccuClean® Advanced Test Kit

AccuPoint® Advanced Next Generation Reader

AccuPoint® Advanced Next Generation Reader for Healthcare

AccuPoint® Advanced Legacy Reader

Alert® for Total Milk Test Kit

Reveal® 3-D for Allergen Test Kits

Reveal® Q+/Q+ MAX for Mycotoxin Test Kits with the AccuScan® Gold Reader*

Reveal® Q+/Q+ MAX for Mycotoxin Test Kits with the Raptor® Integrated Analysis Platforms*

Veratox® for Allergen Test Kits with the Neogen® Stat-Fax 4700 Microwell Reader

Veratox® for Gliadin R5 Test Kit with the Neogen® Stat-Fax 4700 Microwell Reader

Veratox® for Histamine Test Kit with the Neogen® Stat-Fax 4700 Microwell Reader

Veratox® Mycotoxin Test Kits with the Neogen® Stat-Fax 4700 Microwell Reader

* A 10g Mycotoxin check sample is needed for each training participant and is available at the rate of $24.81 USD/10g sample. We recommend using one of the following Neogen Item#:  8076 Aflatoxin or 8376 DON.