Technical Services LabLive Training
Virtual Instructor-Led (Available on Request)
Technical Services provides training in a 1:1 virtual setting as requested. This allows customers to choose a date that best works for them.
The 60-minute certified training sessions consist of a PowerPoint presentation and demonstration of the selected test and equipment. A knowledge assessment is included for certification.
For scheduling, please complete the form or email
Listeria Right Now™ (LRN) Test Kit
Neogen® Filter Membrane Filtration Test Systems
Reveal® 1.0 for E. coli Test Kit
Reveal® 2.0 for E. coli Test Kit
Reveal® 2.0 for Listeria Test Kit
Reveal® 2.0 for Salmonella Test Kit
Reveal® Q+ Mycotoxin Training with the AccuScan® Pro Reader*
Soleris® Next Generation Training
* A 10g Mycotoxin check sample is needed for each training participant and is available at the rate of $24.81 USD/10g sample. We recommend using one of the following Neogen Item#: 8076 Aflatoxin or 8376 DON.