Promoting the Value of Your Cattle
The Igenity® Branded program is designed to verify the genetic value of your herd, allowing buyers to manage risk, take advantage of premiums on superior cattle, and optimize sorting to achieve greater efficiency.
How it Works
Lots and load lots of cattle within the Igenity Branded program will be placed into one of four tiers based on either the Igenity Terminal Index (ITI) or Igenity Maternal Index (IMI). Those cattle can then be marketed with the Igenity Branded logo to show that those cattle have been genomically tested for key maternal and terminal traits.
How to Qualify
Home-raised Calves
- Test a minimum of 35% of your annual calf crop.*
- The average Maternal or Terminal index is determined based on the results.
- Lots of cattle from that calf crop will be “Branded” based on the tier that corresponds with the average index.
- If calves are all individually tested, they can be sorted into marketing groups of the same tier.
- If all marketed calves have been tested and the average is close to a tier break, the producer can sort out lower-scoring cattle to bring up the average of the actual marketing group. The branding and tier must be verified by the Neogen® Territory Manager.
Purchased Cattle or Load Lots
- Test every calf in the marketing group on Igenity Beef.*
- An average IMI for each individual group/load is determined based on the results.
- The individual marketing groups or a whole load will be “Branded” based on the tier that corresponds with the average IMI for that group or the entire load.
* Please see the sell sheets regarding Igenity Maternal Index and Igenity Terminal Index requirements for details.
Indexes We Report Out
Igenity Maternal Index (IMI)
For producers wanting to keep their own replacement females and market calves at weaning.
Igenity Terminal Index (ITI)
Targets profitability through improving feed efficiency and increasing carcass weight.