Lactose Assay Kit - Sequential/High Sensitivity

65 assays per kit

SKU No.  700004314  |  Catalog No.  K-LOLAC

  • World’s first sequential assay for lactose, i.e. improves accuracy and efficiency
  • Contains a specific β-galactosidase for the selective measurement of lactose in dairy products
  • Efficient pre-treatment step allows for accurate measurement of lactose in “low-lactose” and “lactose-free” dairy products
  • Lower limit of detection (LOD) than any other commercially available enzymatic lactose detection method. LOD at 1.62 mg/L
  • Very competitive price (cost per test)
Minimum quantity required: 1
This item must be ordered in multiples of one case. Quantity per case: 1

The K-LOLAC test kit offers a rapid, novel, sequential measurement of free-glucose and lactose in conventional, low-lactose and lactose-free dairy products. This sequential assay format reduces the manual input required by an analyst when compared to traditional lactose assay formats and therefore improves both accuracy and efficiency. When used in combination with the Megazyme Creep Calculator provided, the β-galactosidase employed in this kit allows for the selective measurement of lactose in the presence of galacto-oligosaccharides (GOS) which are commonly found in lactose-free dairy products. This constitutes a significant improvement over existing commercially available lactose assay kits which typically overestimate lactose content in lactose-free samples due to the unselective hydrolysis of GOS by β-galactosidase. Lastly, the sensitivity of the K-LOLAC assay kit has been doubled through the use of a cascade biochemical pathway, helping to significantly reduce the LOD and LOQ for the assay.

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Result TypeUV Absorbance
ApprovalsAOAC Method 2020.08
Limit of Detection1.62 mg/L
Storage Conditions

Storage Temperature: Short term stability: 2-8°C, Long term stability: See individual component labels

Stability: > 2 years under recommended storage conditions

Wavelength340 nm
Signal ResponseIncrease
Linear Range1 to 50 μg of lactose (or 0.50 to 25 μg of D-glucose)
Reaction Time~ 10 min
Package Dimensions10.00 in x 5.00 in x 2.00 in
Package Weight0.46 lb


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