Training - Reveal® Pathogens

Training - Reveal Pathogens

SKU No.  680000140  |  Catalog No.  9419R

Minimum quantity required: 1
This item must be ordered in multiples of one case. Quantity per case: 1

Course Objectives

To provide supplemental hands-on training to complement kit insert instructions.

Course Design

  • Description of lateral flow assay chemistry.
  • Description of target organism(s).
  • Explanation of enrichment procedure(s) for designated pathogen(s).
  • Review of aseptic techniques and safety.
  • Reinforce media temperature requirements and their utility.
  • Demonstration of proper methods to hydrate media and combine with samples.
  • Demonstration of suitable mixing / homogenization.
  • Demonstration of proper technique to run devices and interpret results.
  • Demonstrate effects of improper sample addition to lateral flow device.
  • Upon completion of this course, the participant should be able to successfully and independently perform Reveal pathogen assays.

Course Duration4 hours
Package Weightkg

Additional Information

Prerequisites / Proficiency Level

All Neogen pathogen detection systems are designed for use by personnel familiar with appropriate aseptic techniques for the detection, isolation and identification of foodborne pathogenic bacteria.

It is recommended that technicians should have a basic knowledge of microbiology.

Suggested duration up to 4 hours, based on attendee number.

Supporting Material

  • Kit insert instructions for designated pathogen
  • PowerPoint training material
  • USDA/FSIS and/or FDA/BAM reference manuals
  • AOAC certifications and/or publications, if available
  • In-house support data for commodity specific customer applications