Result Type
Results 34
Petrifilm® Aerobic Count Plates
The Neogen® Petrifilm® Aerobic Count (AC) Plate is a time-saving, sample-ready plate designed to determine total aerobic bacteria populations.
Analyte: Aerobic
Platform: Rapid Microbiology
Result Type: Quantitative
Time to Result: 48 - 72 Hours
Approvals: This plate has been awarded Official Methods of Analysis (OMA) #986.33 for Milk (OMA) #989.10 for dairy products (OMA) #990.12 for food NF VALIDATION certificate: 3M 01/01-09/89 by AFNOR Certification for all human food products, pet food, industrial environmental samples.
Petrifilm® E. coli/Coliform Count Plates
Neogen® Petrifilm® E. coli/Coliform Count (EC) Plates provide a cost-effective, convenient, and reliable method for testing equipment, raw materials, food products, and manufacturing environmental samples.
Analyte: E. coli, Coliforms
Platform: Rapid Microbiology
Result Type: Quantitative
Time to Result: 22 - 26 Hours
Approvals: This E. coli/coliform plate has been awarded Official Methods of Analysis OMA #991.14.for Food OMA # 998.08 for poultry, meat, and seafood
Petrifilm® Rapid Yeast and Mold Count Plates
The Neogen® Petrifilm® Rapid Yeast and Mold Count (RYM) Plate features a new indicator technology that makes colonies easier to interpret. This sample-ready-culture-medium system provides results in as little as 48 hours of incubation time.
Analyte: Yeast & Mold
Platform: Rapid Microbiology
Result Type: Quantitative
Time to Result: 48 - 72 Hours
Approvals: This plate has been awarded Official Methods of Analysis (OMA) #2014.05 for Select food and NF VALIDATION certificate: 3M 01/13-07/14 for All human food products, Pet food, Animal feed and Production environmental samples (primary production samples excepted) by AFNOR Certification.
Petrifilm® Coliform Count Plates
The Petrifilm® Coliform Count Plates provide a cost-effective, convenient and reliable method for testing equipment, raw materials, food products and manufacturing environmental samples.
Analyte: Coliforms
Platform: Rapid Microbiology
Result Type: Quantitative
Time to Result: 22 - 26 Hours
Approvals: This plate has been awarded AOAC Official Methods of Analysis (OMA) #986.33 for Milk, AOAC OMA #989.10 for dairy products and AOAC OMA #991.14 for Food. NF VALIDATION certificates:3M 01/02-09/89 A for all human food products (except raw shellfish), Pet Food and Environmental samples, 3M 01/07-03/99 B for all human food products (except raw shellfish), and 3M 01/02-09/89 C for all human food products by AFNOR Certification.
Petrifilm® Enterobacteriaceae Count Plates
The Petrifilm® Enterobacteriaceae Count Plates provide a cost-effective, convenient and reliable method for testing equipment, raw materials, food products and manufacturing environmental samples and bottled water testing.
Analyte: Enterobacteriaceae
Platform: Rapid Microbiology
Result Type: Quantitative
Time to Result: 22 - 26 Hours
Approvals: This plate has been awarded Official Methods of Analysis (OMA) #2003.01 for selected foods and NF VALIDATION certificate: 3M 01/6-09/97 for All human food products, Animal feed and Production environmental samples by AFNOR Certification.
Petrifilm® Yeast and Mold Count Plates
The Petrifilm Yeast and Mold Count Plate provide a cost-effective, convenient and reliable method with results between 3 to 5 days.
Analyte: Yeast & Mold
Platform: Rapid Microbiology
Result Type: Quantitative
Time to Result: 3 - 5 Days
Approvals: This plate has been awarded AOAC® Official Methods of AnalysisSM (OMA) #997.02
Petrifilm® Rapid Aerobic Count Plates
The Petrifilm® Rapid Aerobic Count (RAC) plates offer technology that facilitates colony enumeration for aerobic count bacteria in as little as 24 hours for most food matrices and environmental samples.
Analyte: Aerobic
Platform: Rapid Microbiology
Result Type: Quantitative
Time to Result: 24 - 48 Hours
Approvals: This plate has been awarded Official Methods of Analysis (OMA) #2015.13.for Selected Food NF VALIDATION Neogen® 01/17-11/16 for Dairy products by AFNOR Certification
Petrifilm® Staph Express Count Plates
The Petrifilm® Staph Express Count Plates provide Staphylococcus aureus results. S. aureus appears as distinctive red-violet colonies. All other colonies have to be checked using the Staph express disk.
Analyte: Staphylococcus aureus
Platform: Rapid Microbiology
Result Type: Quantitative
Time to Result: 22 - 26 Hours
Approvals: This plate has been awarded,AOAC® Official Method SM 2003.07, AOAC® Official Method SM 2003.08, AOAC® Official Method SM 2003.11, AFNOR validated method (3M 01/9-04/03), NordVal Validation Ref. No.: 2003-20-5408-00019. Compendium of Analytical Methods. Health Protection and Food Branch. Health Canada. Laboratory Procedure MFLP-21.
Petrifilm® Rapid E. coli/Coliform Count Plates
The Petrifilm® Rapid E. coli/Coliform Count Plates offer technology that facilitates colony enumeration in the food and beverage industry of E.coli and total coliforms in just 18 to 24 hours.
Analyte: E. coli, Coliforms
Platform: Rapid Microbiology
Result Type: Quantitative
Time to Result: 18 - 24 Hours
Approvals: This plate has been awarded Official Methods of Analysis (OMA) #2018.13 for broad range of foods and select environmental surfaces and MicroVal certificate no. 2017LR76 for a broad range of foods and select environmental surfaces
Neogen® Petrifilm® Plate Reader Advanced
SKU No. 700002336 | Catalog No. 6558
A compact instrument that automates the enumeration of 11 different Petrifilm® Plates and the Petrifilm Staph Express Disk to enhance laboratory productivity and ensure accurate, consistent readings.
Platform: Rapid Microbiology
Petrifilm® Lactic Acid Bacteria Count Plates
The Petrifilm® Lactic Acid Bacteria Count Plate is a plate designed to determine total lactic acid bacteria populations in food and environmental samples.
Analyte: Lactic Acid Bacteria
Platform: Rapid Microbiology
Result Type: Quantitative
Time to Result: 45 - 51 Hours
Approvals: This plate has been awarded Performance Tested Method (PTM) #041701 for selected foods and NF VALIDATION 3M 01/19-11/17 by AFNOR Certification for all human foods (excluding yogurts) and production environmental samples.
Petrifilm® Salmonella Express Plates
The Petrifilm® Salmonella Express plate is a ready-to-use culture medium for the detection of Salmonella spp. in samples.
Analyte: Salmonella
Platform: Rapid Microbiology
Result Type: Quantitative
Time to Result: 40 - 53 Hours
Approvals: This plate has been awarded AOAC® Performance Tested Methods℠ (PTM) Certificate #061301.
Petrifilm® Environmental Listeria Plates
The Petrifilm® Environmental Listeria Plates detect the presence of Listeria in environmental samples.
Analyte: Listeria
Platform: Rapid Microbiology
Result Type: Quantitative
Time to Result: 26 - 30 Hours
Approvals: This plate has been awarded AOAC® Performance Tested Methods℠ (PTM) Certificate #030601 for environmental sampling
Petrifilm® Staph Express Disks
The Petrifilm® Staph Express Disks are used to distinguish Staphylococcus aureus from all suspect colonies.
Analyte: Staphylococcus aureus
Platform: Rapid Microbiology
Time to Result: 0.5 - 3 Hours
Approvals: This plate has been awarded: AOAC® Official Method SM 2003.07, AOAC® Official Method SM 2003.08, AOAC® Official Method SM 2003.11, AFNOR validated method (3M 01/9-04/03), NordVal Validation Ref. No.: 2003-20-5408-00019 • Compendium of Analytical Methods. Health Protection and Food Branch. Health Canada. Laboratory Procedure MFLP-21.
Petrifilm® Rapid Coliform Count Plates
The Neogen® Petrifilm® Rapid Coliform Count Plate is designed to provide fast, accurate results in detecting coliform contamination.
Analyte: Coliforms
Platform: Rapid Microbiology
Result Type: Quantitative
Time to Result: 14 - 26 Hours
Approvals: This plate has been awarded Official Methods of Analysis (OMA) #2000.15 for Food and NF VALIDATION certificates: 3M 01/5-03/97 A for all human food products, 3M 01/5-03/97 B for all human food products and 3M 01/5-03/97 C for all human food products (except process pork products) by AFNOR Certification
Petrifilm® Aqua Heterotrophic Count Plates
The Petrifilm® Aqua Heterotrophic Count Plates provide fast, accurate results in enumerating heterotrophic bacteria in the bottled water industry.
Analyte: Heterotrophic
Platform: Rapid Microbiology
Result Type: Quantitative
Time to Result: 48 - 72 Hours
Petrifilm® High-Sensitivity Coliform Count Plates
The Neogen® Petrifilm® High-Sensitivity Coliform Count Plate accommodates 5 mL samples which allows for detection of low levels of confirmed coliforms in 24 hours.
Analyte: Coliforms
Platform: Rapid Microbiology
Result Type: Quantitative
Time to Result: 22 - 26 Hours
Approvals: This plate has been awarded Official Methods of Analysis (OMA) #996.02 for Dairy products and NF VALIDATION certificate: 3M 01/7-03/99 for Human food products by AFNOR Certification.
Petrifilm® Flat Spreader
SKU No. 700002099 | Catalog No. 6425
This Petrifilm® Spreader is an easy-to-use tool designed to quickly and evenly distribute inoculum within certain Petrifilm® Plates.
Petrifilm® Salmonella Express Confirmation Disks
The Petrifilm® Salmonella Express Confirmation Disk for biochemical confirmation of Salmonella organisms.
Analyte: Salmonella
Platform: Rapid Microbiology
Time to Result: 4 - 5 Hours
Approvals: This plate has been awarded AOAC® Performance Tested Methods℠ (PTM) Certificate #061301.
Petrifilm® Bacillus cereus Count Plates
The Neogen® Petrifilm® Bacillus cereus Count (BC) Plate is a time-saving, sample-ready plate designed to enumerate Bacillus cereus.
Analyte: Bacillus cereus
Platform: Rapid Microbiology
Time to Result: 20 - 24 Hours
Petrifilm® Automated Feeder
An automated feeder for the Petrifilm Plate Reader Advanced. The Petrifilm Automated Feeder automatically feeds and enumerates up to 300 Petrifilm Plates in 33 minutes.
Platform: Rapid Microbiology
Petrifilm® Standard Spreader Assembly for AC, CC and E. coli Plates
SKU No. 700000165 | Catalog No. 6496
This Petrifilm® Spreader is an easy-to-use tool designed to quickly and evenly distribute inoculum within certain Petrifilm® Plates.
Analyte: Aerobic, E. coli, Enterobacteriaceae, Heterotrophic, Coliforms
Petrifilm® Yeast and Mold Plate Spreader
SKU No. 700000164 | Catalog No. 6497
This Petrifilm® Spreader is an easy-to-use tool designed to quickly and evenly distribute inoculum for the Yeast and Mold plate.
Petrifilm® Environmental Listeria Spreader
SKU No. 700002211 | Catalog No. 6498
This Petrifilm® Spreader is an easy-to-use tool designed to quickly and evenly distribute inoculum for the Environmental Listeria Plate.
Analyte: Listeria
Petrifilm® High-Sensitivity Plate Spreader
SKU No. 700002208 | Catalog No. 6481
This Petrifilm® Spreader is an easy-to-use tool designed to quickly and evenly distribute inoculum for the High-Sensitivity Coliform Count Plate.
Analyte: Coliforms
Petrifilm® Plate Barcode Labels
SKU No. 700006899 | Catalog No. 6517
Print a generated barcode for use with the Petrifilm Plate Reader Advanced (PPRA). Barcode label is used to record the sample ID, dilution, and plate type. Connect the barcode to LIMS-compatible software.
Petrifilm® Automated Feeder, Filters, 4-pk
SKU No. 700006592
Replacement air filters for the Petrifilm Automated Feeder.
Platform: Rapid Microbiology
Petrifilm® Automated Feeder, Output Bin
SKU No. 700006594
Output bin for the Petrifilm Automated Feeder.
Platform: Rapid Microbiology
Petrifilm® Automated Feeder, Station Cups, 5-pk
SKU No. 700006587
Replacement separation station suction cups for the Petrifilm Automated Feeder.
Platform: Rapid Microbiology
Petrifilm® Automated Feeder, Input Bin
SKU No. 700006593
Input bin for the Petrifilm Automated Feeder.
Platform: Rapid Microbiology
Petrifilm® Automated Feeder, Picker Cups, 5-pk
SKU No. 700006588
Replacement picker station suction cups for the Petrifilm Automated Feeder.
Platform: Rapid Microbiology
Petrifilm® Plate Reader Advanced Power Cord
The power cord for use with Petrifilm® Plate Reader Advanced.
Platform: Rapid Microbiology
Pathogen-caused illness outbreaks have captured public attention in greater numbers during recent years, with Salmonella, Listeria, E. coli, Campylobacter and others commanding headlines thanks to improved reporting protocols. As this trend continues, companies seek to improve their testing practices and protect their brands from contamination and spoilage.
For decades, Neogen® has been a global developer and provider of traditional and new tech microbiology solutions. Our comprehensive portfolio is sure to meet your needs whether you’re looking for traditional microbial solutions, in-house validation units, filtration testing solutions, pathogen tests, or water microbiology products.