Tilapia SkimSEEK™

SKU No.  190139  |  Catalog No. 

  • Reduce dependence on linkage disequilibrium between fixed arrays and quantitative trait loci (QTL) that are impacting the desired phenotypes
  • Lower cost than population-specific genotyping panels
  • Complete genotyping of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) populations, which reduces bias due to selective genotyping
  • Data report contains millions of SNP variants (22 million), small indels (6 million), and multi-allelic sites (1.6 million) to help discover novel, population-specific causative variants
  • Same cost and effort to sequence many individuals at low coverage when compared to a sequencing a few individuals at high coverage
  • SNP content covers 96% of the ~65K Open Access SNP Array for Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus)
  • >99% accuracy
$40.00 each
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Out of stock
Expect availability in 2-4 weeks
Minimum quantity required: 1
This item must be ordered in multiples of one case. Quantity per case: 1


  • Imputation — match low-coverage reads to well-characterized reference haplotypes
  • Utilize a data report of 22 million SNP variants to improve genomic selection or help discover novel, population-specific causative variants
AnalyteDNA, Fin Clips


Our customers’ success is our shared success. Our customer service teams are ready to assist you and your team on our solutions, so you can rest easy knowing sampling procedures are performed properly and yield accurate results.


How’s SkimSEEK more cost-effective than custom array chips?

SkimSEEK provides more genotypes per dollar compared to preexisitng array products. .

How does SkimSEEK provide ROI?

SkimSEEK can minimally provide the same ROI when used for whole-genome selection today. Additional data collected from the skim sequencing approach may also enhance the accuracies of genomic predictions. Additionally, researchers exploring genome-wide association analysis studies (GWAS) will access millions more SNP data points when compared to fixed arrays.

How does SkimSEEK work?

SkimSEEK combines the most current whole-genome sequencing technology with imputation to a reference genome, resulting in millions of imputed SNP genotypes.

Who can benefit from SkimSEEK?

Agricultural researchers and producers, universities and labs, large commercial businesses, breed associations.

How can SkimSEEK help to improve livestock and crops?

SkimSEEK can help improve livestock and crop production with genomic improvement by generating molecular breeding values and selecting the best seedstock. SkimSEEK saves time by eliminating the wait for phenotypic data from the next breeding cycle (reducing generation interval).