MiSeq Reagent Kit v2 (500-cycles)

SKU No.  11501  |  Catalog No. 

  • Max read length of 2 x 250 bp.
  • 12–15 million read-pairs.
  • Estimated output of 7.5–8.5 Gb.
  • FASTQC report included with all prepared pool orders.
  • All prepared pools will be QC'd at Neogen. If the results indicate poor quality, we will contact you.
  • 3 week turnaround time.
$2,426.00 each
In stock
Out of stock
Expect availability in 2-4 weeks
Minimum quantity required: 1
This item must be ordered in multiples of one case. Quantity per case: 1
The Illumina MiSeq benchtop sequencer is ideal for de novo assembly of small genomes or amplicon sequencing projects. The Illumina MiSeq Reagent Kit v2 500 cycle kit enables a max read length of 2 x 250 bp, with approximately 12–15 million read-pairs. Each prepared pool order will include a FASTQC report for the sequencing run.

Additional Testing

Additional testing is available to add in the next step when uploading your submission form.
Submission Information50 uL of your prepared pool at a concentration of 5 nM, determined by fluorometry or qPCR, is required. (the u in uL should be the micro symbol). Please ship your 5 nM pool in a screw cap tube within a para-filmed 50 mL centrifuge tube at the requested volume on dry ice to Neogen Genomics, 4131 N 48th St., Lincoln, NE 68504.
Turnaround Time3 Weeks
FASTQ and FASTQC delivery via AWS


Our customers’ success is our shared success. Our customer service teams are ready to assist you and your team on our sequencing solutions.


Q: What should the concentration of the prepared pools be for submission?

A: Prepared pools should be submitted to Neogen at a concentration of 5 nM, determined by fluorometry or qPCR.

Q: How much volume of the prepared pool is needed for sequencing?

A: MiSeq runs require 50 uL of the prepared pool. NovaSeq runs require 4 unique pools of 100 uL.

Q: Where and how should the prepared pools be shipped?

A: Please ship your 5 nM prepared pool in a screw cap tube within a para-filmed 50 mL centrifuge tube at the requested volume on dry ice to Neogen Genomics, 4131 N 48th St., Lincoln, NE 68504.

Q: How will sequencing and QC data be delivered?

A: Data will be delivered via Amazon Web Services (AWS).

Q: Will Neogen perform library pooling?

A: No. At this time, Neogen will not perform library pooling. Libraries must be pooled before submitting for sequencing.