Amyloglucosidase (Aspergillus niger) Powder

4 g - 36,000 Units/g

SKU No.  700004185  |  Catalog No.  E-AMGDFPD

Minimum quantity required: 1
This item must be ordered in multiples of one case. Quantity per case: 1

High purity Amyloglucosidase (A. niger) for use in research, biochemical enzyme assays and in vitro diagnostic analysis.

Amyloglucosidase. From A. niger. High purity. For use in Megazyme Total Starch and Dietary Fiber methods. Specifically prepared for use in AOAC Method 2001.03 which requires enzymes free of glycerol. This AMG is used in combination with thermostable α-amylase (Cat. No. E-BLAAM) and protease powder (Cat. No. E-BSPRPD). For use, the AMG is dissolved in water at a rate of 1 g/10 mL and 0.2 mL is used per assay. Electrophoretically homogeneous. Lyophilised powder.

Also suitable for use in AOAC 2001.03, AOAC Method 2000.11, AOAC Method 2016.06, GB Standards 5009.255-2016 and ISO Standard 15914:2004.

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ApprovalsAOAC Method 2001.03, AOAC Method 2000.11, AOAC Method 2016.06, GB Standards 5009.255-2016 and ISO Standard 15914:2004
EC Number3.2.1.3
Storage Conditions

Storage Temperature: Below -10°C

> 1 year under recommended storage conditions. Check vial for details

FormulationSupplied as a lyophilised powder
Physical FormPowder
CAZy FamilyGH15
Synonyms4-alpha-D-glucan glucohydrolase; glucoamylase
SourceAspergillus niger
Molecular Weight143500
ExpressionFrom Aspergillus niger
SpecificityHydrolysis of terminal α-1,4 and α-1,6 D-glucose residues successively from non-reducing ends of maltodextrins.
Specific Activity~ 26,000 U/g (40°C, pH 4.5, soluble starch as substrate);
2,260 U/g on p-nitrophenyl β-maltoside
Unit DefinitionOne Unit of amyloglucosidase activity is defined as the amount of enzyme required to release one μmole of D-glucose reducing-sugar equivalents per minute from soluble starch at pH 4.5 and 40°C.
Temperature Optima (°C)70
pH Optima4
Package Dimensions0.80 in x 0.80 in x 1.90 in
Package Weight0.04 lb