NeoSeek™ Salmonella Serotyping

NeoSeek™ Salmonella Serotyping

SKU No.  151  |  Catalog No. 

  • Salmonella serotype determination using DNA-specific test results.
  • 72 hour turnaround time. Days earlier than traditional antibody based methods.
  • The sequence database identifies more than 1,500 other Salmonella serotypes, including CDC's top 30 serotypes of concern.
$155.00 each
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Expect availability in 2-4 weeks
Minimum quantity required: 1
This item must be ordered in multiples of one case. Quantity per case: 1
NeoSeek™ is a breakthrough pathogen detection and identification service that provides genomic-based serotypes (e.g. Salmonella enterica Enteritidis and Salmonella enterica Heidelberg) within 72 hours from suspected Salmonella positive isolates. A similar service for STEC detection and identication is also available. The NeoSeek technology uses targeted amplicon PCR coupled with next generation sequencing to develop a genetic profile for the colony isolate and then compares those sequence results with the known genetic makeup of the reference database to determine the specific Salmonella serotype present. View Technology Information.


The key elements for food safety genomics include three critical areas. These three aspects are leveraged with NeoSeek™ through various partners and existing laboratories.

Sequencing technology

Illumina is the platform used for most of the NGS applications used in the NeoSeek Assays. These sequencers have allowed the data acquisition costs to drop dramatically. This now allows the service to be implemented on a larger scale and beyond the research laboratories used at universities and other research organizations.

GeneSeek® lab and capabilities

GeneSeek in Lincoln, NE is the largest animal genomics laboratory in the world. NeoSeek uses the existing infrastructure to process samples quickly and with high quality results. This ISO 17025 lab has been delivering genetic results for over a decade.


Leveraging custom built pipelines and curated databases, the bioinformatics is a critical element to generating meaningful, and high quality results. The bioinformatics also helps structure data to generate meaningful and actionable results.

Neogen® is the exclusive licensee of pipelines and analytics from Metagenome Analytics (MGA). These services provide the bioinformatics development and deployment for the NeoSeek Assays. MGA consists of the world’s leading experts in food microbiome and food safety applications of next generation sequencing.

Bioinformatics is the process of assembling and interpreting sequence data for applications such as 16S metagenome sequencing, whole genome sequencing, or whole genome metagenomics. The millions of reads that accompany each application needs computing power and programs to assemble the sequences, and interpret the data. MGA maintains curated databases, proprietary bioinformatics pipelines, and customer reporting features to help deliver the key insights possible with next generation sequencing.
