Proficiency Testing Program for Peanut

Distribution Dates: December 15, 2025

SKU No.  680000463  |  Catalog No.  8583

  • Ability to monitor and improve the accuracy and precision of testing methods on a continuous schedule
  • Validation for accrediting and auditing organizations
  • Simple, straightforward, and easy to perform by plant personnel with minimal time
  • Samples are ready to test; no additional grinding or blending is necessary
  • Full reports issued containing entire dataset, including charts and Z-Scores
Minimum quantity required: 1
This item must be ordered in multiples of one case. Quantity per case: 1
Neogen’s Proficiency Testing programs are designed to provide a robust and easy-to-use tool for monitoring and gauging competency regarding the use of in-house food safety diagnostic methods.
Package Weightkg